The Team
The APPNA DMV Chapter is a non-profit organization whose members are Physicians that are residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. They and their families endeavour to contribute to the well-being of the community through their scientific, medical, cultural and philanthropic actions. APPNA is a national organization with chapters in many states.
APPNA DMV has established a community health clinic for those in need of medical care. The clinic provides medical and dental services free of cost to all patients, irrespective of race, gender, nationality, religion, or insurance status.
APPNA DMV members serve in various community organizations, free clinics and collaborate with national and international organizations on projects impacting the wellbeing of the community locally, nationally and internationally. Below are a few objectives of our chapter.
To support medical education and research
To form a peer group for support and career development of physicians of Pakistani origin in the DMV
To facilitate better understanding and relations amongst Pakistani physicians/community and people of the DMV
To institute mechanisms for cooperation with other medical organizations in the DMV
To help in the orientation and adjustment of medical students and medical school graduates from Pakistan entering the US medical system in the DMV by a variety of manners, including the development of a mentoring program
To cooperate with medical schools and hospitals in Pakistan in ongoing continuing medical education by arranging lecture tours, conferences and workshops
To participate in medical relief and other charitable activities both in Pakistan and in North America
To advocate for political issues affecting our profession and human rights
To expose our youth to the political system as well as involve them in charitable work and other activities
To promote creative endeavours in our community
To arrange social events in the local community to improve awareness in our younger generation
Meet The Team

Majid Ghauri, MD FASA
President, APPNA DMV

Current Board of Directors
Social & Welfare
Dr. Abdul Rashid Piracha (Chair)
Dr. Mubashir Choudry
Dr. Tayyib Ran
Dr. Tariq Mahmood
Dr. Reema Chaudri
Dr. Mohammad Akbar
Ethics and Grievance
Nomination and Election
Dr. Mohammed Akbar (Chair)
Dr. Mubashar Choudry (Co-Chair)
Dr. Tayyib Rana (Chair)
Dr. Abdul Rashid Piracha
Dr. Mohammad Akbar
Dr. Nisar Chaudhry
Dr. Mubashir Choudry
Dr. Zahid Butt
Dr. Hameed Peracha
Dr. Tayyib Rana
Dr. Mohammad Akbar
Dr. Atiya Khan
Dr. Sohail Qarni
Dr. Nadra Khan (Chair)
Dr. Sabahat Nawab (Co-Chair)
Dr. Tayyib Rana - COVD-19 Task Force Chair
Dr. Naheed Saleem
Dr. Ahmed Nawaz
Dr. Hina Rehman Khan
Dr. Tahir Sheikh
Dr. Samia Piracha
Dr. Sajid Rehman
Dr. Javed Iqbal
Dr. Rashid Nayer
Dr. Ahmad Babar